content syndication

Content Syndication

Most marketers know that engaging their audience with relevant high-quality content could create tremendous growth for their business. However, many content marketing programs often fall short of desired outcomes. The challenge marketers face is the availability of time and budget to produce engaging content.

The absence of content creation services and inability to measure its effectiveness are other reasons why content marketing services are important.


  • Develop and document a content marketing strategy and road map.
  • Custom development for white papers, blogs, email templates, newsletters, infographics, webinars, social media content, and landing pages.
  • Concerted content marketing using a variety of distribution tactics across multiple digital channels.
  • Dedicated account manager and content marketing specialist.


Prospect consumes content and is placed into marketing nurture sequence by client.


Prospect consumes multiple pieces of content, shows buying intent and is a decision maker.


Prospect consumes multiple pieces of content and agrees to speak with Sales department of client.


Prospect consumes content and answers questions related to BUDGET, AUTHORITY, NEED and TIMELINE

BANT (Budget, Authority, Need & Time):

We identify BANT leads that qualify for sales and that lets your sales team determine if the prospect is a good fit based on their budget, authority or ability to buy, need for your product and purchase timeline.

Invest in Prospects who can buy your Products.

To get highly qualified leads, we proffer BANT qualifying questions to the target audience. These questions are asked mainly to understand the need for your product, the timeline to purchase your product or solutions, budget and their decision-making ability.

  • Analyze Their Need.
  • Understanding Their Timeframe.
  • Determine Their Budget.
  • Check Their Authority.

SQL (Sales Qualified Lead):

A sales qualified lead is first vetted by the marketing department and then the sales department. We ensure that the leads are ready for a conversation with your sales team and fit the criteria.

Convert your Lead to Customer.

We identify the leads that are ready to converse with your sales team and have shown interest in buying your product. We answer the questions that they have for you and gauge their sales-readiness. We then send these leads to you once we qualify them fit for your business.

  • Identifying Sales Leads.
  • Determining Their Sales-Readiness.
  • Move Them In Sales Funnel.
  • Convert Them Into Customer.